Welcome to WIVACE 2018
XIII Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation
Parma, 10-12 September 2018
Department of Engineering and Architecture
University of Parma
Contact: wivace2018@ce.unipr.it
The International Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation aims to bring together researchers working in Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation to present and share their research in a multidisciplinary context. The workshop provides a forum for the discussion of new research directions and applications in these fields, where different disciplines could effectively meet. It was first held in 2007 in Sampieri (Ragusa), as the incorporation of two previously separately running workshops (WIVA and GSICE). After the success of the first edition, the workshop was organized in the following years in Venice (2008), Naples (2009), Parma (2012), Milan (2013), Vietri (2014), Bari (2015), Salerno (2016) and Venice (2017).
This year WIVACE will host a Special Session on Quantum Computing.
WIVACE 2018 is technically sponsored by SPECIES, the Society for the Promotion of Evolutionary Computation in Europe and its Surroundings.