Quantum computers are devices that use the quantum mechanical properties of superposition and entanglement to solve problems that are too much complex for classical computers. Compared to the best known classical algorithms, amazing exponential speedups have been proved for integer factoring and other problems important for public-key cryptography, as well as quantum simulation. There is a major effort worldwide toward scalable quantum computers and the Quantum Internet, with computer scientists, physicists and engineers that are joining forces to realize an extraordinary, unheard-of interdisciplinary work. This Special Session will bring together experts to discuss key challenges, recent advancements and killer applications of quantum computing. Forefront topics will be highlighted, including:
- Quantum Simulators
- Fault-tolerant Quantum Computation
- Advances in Quantum Algorithms and Information Theory
- Quantum Walks
- Quantum Machine Learning
- Quantum Communications and Networks
- Quantum Artificial Life
- Quantum Coherence in Biological Systems