NEWS: Best oral and poster presentations awards...see here!

NEWSThe Book of abstract is now online!





Welcome to WIVACE 2016/BIONAM 2016

Salerno, 4-7 October 2016


We are proud to present WIVACE 2016: the Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation and BIONAM 2016: a workshop on bio- nanomaterials.

Wivace was first held in 2007 in Sampieri (Ragusa), and successively organized in Venice (2008), Naples (2009), Parma (2012), Milan (2013), Vietri (2014), and Bari (2015) with the aim to offer a forum where different disciplines could effectively meet.


The proceedings of the WIVACE 2015 edition, published in the Springer book series "Communications in Computer and Information Science" Vol. 587, are now available online.

To download the contributions, please follow the link at the page "past editions".  

Bionam was first organized in Salerno in 2013 to bring together researchers active on nano bioinspired materials.

The present edition has the ambition to renovate the spirit of Wivace and Bionam past editions and to add an extra layer of hybridization. Wivace will take place the first 3 days (4-6 October 2016) and Bionam the last two days (6-7 October 2016). Therefore, there will be complete superimposition on October 6th.

This double event will permit researchers active on bioinspired algorithms, the Wivace community, to get together and to get in touch with researchers working on bioinspired materials, the Bionam community, to create a exciting cross-over of disciplines and approaches.


Events like WIVACE and Bionam are usually a very nice opportunity for new-generation or soon-to-be scientists to get in touch with new subjects in a more relaxed, informal, and (last but not least) less expensive environment than in large-scale international conferences. Diversity and renovation are key requirements for species to survive and to evolve in nature as well as in science, and we hope that the many young scientists that will attend WIVACE will contribute to make the scientific communities involved in the workshop more and more lively and healthy over the years.


The proceedings of the WIVACE 2016 edition, will be published in the Springer book series "Communications in Computer and Information Science".

The proceedings of the BIONAM 2016 edition, will be published in the Springer book series "Lecture Notes in Bioengineering".

We look forward to meeting you in Salerno!



  • We are pleased to announce that grants will be available in place of the registration fees for 10 PhD or graduate Students who have submitted a contribution to the conference. More info here.